Thoracic Spine (mid back)
Cervical Spine (neck) Lumbar Spine (low back) Sacrum & Coccyx (pelvis)

Areas and Parts of the Body
  • 1T - Hands, wrists, fingers, thyroid
  • 2T - Heart, its valves and coronary arteries
  • 3T - Lungs, bronchial tubes, pleura, chest
  • 4T - Gall bladder, common duct
  • 5T - Liver, solar plexus
  • 6T - Stomach, mid-back area
  • 7T - Pancreas, duodenum
  • 8T - Spleen, lower mid-back
  • 9T - Adrenal glands
  • 10T - Kidneys
  • 11T - Ureters
  • 12T - Small intestines, upper/lower back

Possible Symptoms
      Various and numerous symptoms
      from trouble or malfunctioning of:
  • Thyroid
  • Heart
  • Lungs
  • Gall bladder
  • Liver
  • Stomach
  • Pancreas
  • Spleen
  • Adrenal glands
  • Kidneys
  • Small and large intestines
  • Sex organs
  • Uterus
  • Bladder
  • Prostate glands
Anyone with a spine is a candidate for chiropractic care, not  only for those who suffer from back pain...
Information on any conditions/products can be obtained by contacting our office. Your well being could be improved with just a few visits.
A healthy spine is essential for a healthy body. It’s simple and it works!!