Spinal Dysfunction

Joint Malfunction
Spinal bones have an abnormal motion or position. This can lead to trouble bending, turning or twisting. This can cause the chain reaction to set in place the other components of spinal dysfunction.

Nerve Irritation
Improper spinal function can rub, choke, "pinch" or irritate the delicate spinal nerves. You may feel pain, tingling, numbness or a pins-and-needles effect. The messages your nerves are sending may be altered or blocked causing dysfunction in other body parts

Muscle Impairment
When muscle function is impaired from too much or too little nerve supply, muscles that support the spine respond in different ways. When nerve impulses are diminished, muscles can weaken and waste away or atrophy. When muscles are over stimulated from nerve irritation, supporting muscles can become tight and may go into spasm

Tissue Injury
With spinal joint malfunction the discs, ligaments and other connective tissue are affected as well. The soft, pulpy discs that separate each spinal vertebrae can tear, bulge, herniate or degenerate. Inflammation and swelling accompany the accumulation of blood and lymph, causing a rise in temperature. You may develop swelling, tenderness or "trigger spots".

Spinal Degeneration
When there is a malfunctioning joint, the body responds by attempting to stabilize the area by growing new bone. Over time, calcium deposits can build up and become bone spurs or abnormal bony growth. Muscles, joints and ligaments show signs of wear-and-tear which can lead to fatigue and a lack of physical & mental vitality. 

Shows a normal curve and equal spacing between vertebrae. Disc thickness is consistent.

Shows an abnormal curve and uneven spacing between vertebrae. Some discs are thinner.

Degenerated (2nd)
Calcium deposits have created rough edges on vertebrae and are interfering with proper movement. Joint fusion is occurring.


Anyone with a spine is a candidate for chiropractic care, not  only for those who suffer from back pain...
Information on any conditions/products can be obtained by contacting our office. Your well being could be improved with just a few visits.
A healthy spine is essential for a healthy body. It’s simple and it works!!